About Wilma

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“Wilma is als een nuchtere ‘Indianenmoeder’ die mij steeds weer nieuwe inzichten weet te geven.”

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A beautiful statement from an entrepreneur who once participated in my 'constellations for entrepreneurs'. I am definitely a mother, of two beautiful girls aged 26 and 24. And sober, yes, I am certainly sober. I stand firmly on the ground - and at the same time, I am well connected to the invisible world, which I call God. That's how I imagine an Indian mother. I consider it an honor. By the way, I've also been called a confused guinea pig at times, apparently that's how I look when I do things I'm not very good at. That confuses me. So, I no longer do those things.

Furthermore, I often hear from my clients that I am warm, clear, and decisive. That's true as well. Although I am not a soft healer, 'everyone' quickly feels safe and comfortable in my (digital) practice space. While always considering you and who you are, I do aim for results. I would love to work with you if you are ready to truly tackle 'it' and move forward.

I love working together with the knowing field during a constellation. With hypnosis, we explore the untapped potential of your subconscious together to uproot your problem completely and replace it with what you desire.

Short Family History

In May 1958, I 'surprisingly' arrived in the family. I am the youngest and comfortably seated on my mother's lap. My parents were two hardworking entrepreneurs with a thriving men's fashion store: 'Alleman - a place of trust.' Like every child of entrepreneurs growing up in the fifties and sixties, I became independent at a young age. You had to be, as Mom and Dad were always at the store working. Hard work was the motto, even for us children. We all gained work experience and pitched in with household chores.

As the youngest in this family, I didn't always feel heard. That's why I always made a lot of noise and often 'left my place.' Until one day, in a constellation of my family from the past, I had to utter the following sentence: "I am the youngest in this family, nothing more and nothing less." It hit me all at once. I was exactly enough as I was. I could finally take my own place and learn to become myself. I no longer needed to make myself bigger or smaller. It still happens occasionally (out of habit), but I can now say that I am completely okay with myself.

What can you expect when you step into my (digital) practice?

We already know each other a little from the telephone intake. So, I already have a rough idea of what's on your mind, and you already know that you are in the right place and in good hands with me. You will receive a warm welcome, we get to know each other better, look into each other's eyes, and build trust so that you can feel completely safe.

Then we engage in conversation. My questions help you clarify - mentally, emotionally, and physically - where the problem lies and where this pattern shows up in your life. Time and time again, in multiple places. At home, at work, in your family, with friends.

And only when that is crystal clear, and you are willing to address it, do I ask you: do you want to go into hypnosis? Or: take the figurines and set up your family.

After the session, we have a cup of tea together, and you can let everything settle calmly.

And if you still have questions afterwards, send me an email or a message. You'll receive a quick response.

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“Wilma, ik ben ze zo dankbaar hoe liefdevol en doortastend je me hierin hebt begeleid. Je bent echt een kei in wat je doet.”

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“Tijdens de opstelling voelde ik dingen die ik zo lang niet had durven voelen. Veilig voelde het, en Wilma zo betrokken.”

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Educational programs I have completed For my complete CV, I refer you to my LinkedIn profile:

Wilma Alleman
My core values are: integrity, clarity, lightness, and humor.

"Who have I already helped?"
