Work with me


I would love to work with you if you want to do something about your problem. Really do something, as in solving it. Away from that dead-end street with the roundabout where you keep taking the same exit. You want to tackle it, clean it up, solve it, heal, create new paths!

Because let's face it, worrying, complaining, and continuing on sheer willpower is something you've already tried. It doesn't help, does it?

That's why we're going to do what does work: Collaborate with the knowing field. Harness the untapped potential of your subconscious to uproot your problem completely so that happiness becomes the new normal.

Whatever your problems in the NOW may be, they have almost all originated in the first seven years of your life. Your conscious mind doesn't have access to that period. However, they still exist and influence your behavior at an unconscious level. And every time you find yourself in a similar situation, you get triggered. Every single time. Sound familiar?

No more! I ask you questions that immediately take you to the core of the problem and activate resources. That's how we get to work. It's like a major cleaning of your mental rooms. Some beliefs are fine, and you polish them. Others are unnecessary and can go in the trash. I work with the following problem-solving approaches, all one-on-one. All the time and attention for you.

  • Systemic coaching / (family) constellations
  • Hypnotherapy: Happy hypno
  • Hypnotherapy: Happy attachment
  • Successful entrepreneurship: for coaches, trainers, and advisors
  • For women: body-oriented coaching with "the art of being a woman".

  • To achieve the best results, a treatment consists of a program of 3-5 sessions. In this, you can choose to have the same problem-solving approach three times, or opt for a combination; all combinations are possible.

    And the costs? Well, what can it cost... I do it out of love and ask for a fair fee. Prices upon request, but remember: How happy are you when you finally choose happiness?!

    "Who have I already helped?"
